Friday, August 08, 2008

Paris Hilton is running for USA president 2008!

Last week, US Republic Party 2008 Presidential Candidate John McCain had just released a promotion advertisement, putting Barrack Obama, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears together, implying Obama is an empty celebrity who is not capable to lead the country.

*Please let me know if you can't watch the video in youtube. As the feedbacks are so bad, I am not surprise the ad will be withdrawn. I will replace the link with alternate source.

Hilton family, especially Paris parenst are unhappy with his ad, as they support McCain and donated the maximum amount allowed (USD2300 each person) to McCain's presidential campaign, and yet their daughter is manipulated and humiliated.

So, responding to McCain, Paris has come out with her presidential ad too.

See?! Who said hot chick can't be smart?

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