Thursday, November 06, 2008

Life tough? Just FOR NOW!


别那么愁,因为这些,都是暂时的!来,听听音乐剧《Avenue Q》的《For now》吧!

Life is so miserable!
So much pressure from the boss?
So expensive the groceries?
So little increment and bonus for year end?
So little time to sit down and relax?
No money for a year end tour after this deduction that deduction?

Come, relax and listen the song "For now" from Avenue Q musical.

Live performance on Bryant Park 2007
2007年Bryant Park公演现场般

Clear audio quality but no video

Lyrics 歌词:

Why does everything have to be so hard?
Maybe you'll never find your purpose.
Lots of people don't.
But then- I don't know why I'm even alive!

Well, who does, really?

Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied.
Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside.

Take a breath,
Look around,
Swallow your pride,
FOr now...
For now...

Nothing lasts,
Life goes on,
Full of surprises.

You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.
You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...
For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

For now we're healthy.
For now we're employed.
For now we're happy...
If not overjoyed.
And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid, for now...
For now...
For now...
For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

Only for now!
(For now there's life!)
Only for now!
(For now there's love!)
Only for now!
(For now there's work!)
For now there's happiness!
But only for now!
(For now discomfort!)
Only for now!
(For now there's friendship!)
Only for now (For now!)
Only for now!

Only for now! (Sex!)
Is only for now! (Your hair!)
Is only for now! (George Bush!)
Is only for now!

Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!

Each time you smile...
...Only for now
It'll only last a while.
...Only for now
Life may be scary...

...Only for now
But it's only temporary

Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba dum ba-dum
Ba-da da da da
ba-da da-da da da-da
Ba-dum ba-da, ba-dum ba-da

Everything in life is only for now.


At 8:47 PM, Blogger ~克里斯*空间~ said...

Guy, don't so much of Complaint... js think more of, we WORK HARD and we also PLAY HARD for life.... Cos we are in this Industry...



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