Wednesday, October 11, 2006


This morning is a bad morning for me, as I realised another dirty side of reality though slammed by my colleague.
This morning, we were told to write a document regarding any changes to the report due to inappropriate format generated by report machine. WHich means, from now on, everything wrong in report, is written in a document but through our failure response system: bug. Those senior didn't mention anything about problem occured in previous report and we don't need to write extra document for that. So, based on this logic, i sent a email to bug regarding a problem occured in a old report i submitted a few weeks ago and i get slammed by my senior because not writing into the document.
There is someone even say that i m making everyone life hard by sending the email.
Did they say anything in the meeting about it? NO! And now they are blaming me.
Alright, I had spent some time to cool down and think...
And i realised one thing:
Abstract to they slam me for not following the rules they didn't explicitly say, the manager can download movies from company network, the bosses can play games with company pcs, and our lovely admin said nothing but just do as what they requested. An admin could be so un-admined when they are facing management.
Only one thing can explain: there is no fairness nor nearly fair system could be used in the world. The admin can't do anything (or I should say, he is not dare to do anything) because he is subordinate of those management. And the senior can slam me however they want (they like to put a lot ";)" in the email scolding ppl, weird, right?), just because they are superior.
So, is it their fault?
Not at all! It is my fault for not being a good subordinate. It is my fault of not being tough enough. It is my fault for being unskilled. Don't you see they still smile to those superior eventhough they are provoked.
It is all my fault.